Luxury English Cottage Garden Design

If you are looking to add charm and character, while creating a luxury outdoor area for your Nashville home, an English cottage garden might be just what you need.

Nashville custom English garden design

English cottage gardens are known for their relaxed, romantic feel and are the perfect way to bring a touch of the countryside to your home, whether you host frequent events in your Nashville home or are simply seeking to maximize the beauty of your property.

When designing an English cottage garden, it's important to keep in mind the informal and naturalistic style that defines the look. This means using a mix of different plants and flowers, with no strict boundaries or formal designs. The result is a garden that looks as though it has been there for years, rather than a newly designed space. it is a perfect design style for newly built homes in Nashville because it immediately adds character and softness to the stark and hard-edged aesthetics of newly installed hardscaping.

Nashville custom english garden design

The key to a successful English cottage garden is to choose plants that are suited to the local climate and soil conditions. Within Nashville and the middle Tennessee area, we are classified within zone 7-7a. This will ensure that the chosen plants thrive and provide a beautiful display year after year. Some popular plants for English cottage gardens include roses, lavender, delphiniums, foxgloves, and hollyhocks. You may also want to consider adding some herbs such as rosemary, thyme, and sage, which not only look great but can also be used in cooking.

In terms of design, you may want to consider adding some garden structures such as arbors, arches, or trellises to provide support for climbing plants. You may also want to include some garden ornaments such as birdbaths, statues, or decorative pots to add interest and focal points to the space.

One of the great things about English cottage gardens is that they are not meant to be perfectly manicured or tidy. Rather, they are designed to be enjoyed and appreciated for their natural beauty. So, don't worry too much about keeping everything perfectly neat and tidy. Instead, let your garden grow and evolve over time, just as a true English cottage garden would.

An English cottage garden can provide a beautiful, naturalistic, and relaxed outdoor space that is full of charm and character. With the right mix of plants, garden structures, and ornaments, you can create a space that looks as though it has been there for years and provides a beautiful display year after year.

Custom Nashville english cottage garden